11 April 2007


saturday morning, 6:50am. i'm out there, fuel belt, running clothes, running over the pulaski bridge--not even at .5 mile. a cyclist passes me, and says, "wow, you're a real runner." yep, it's 35F or so. i tell him, "i'm running 20 miles." "you're hardcore." i know--and i'm proud of it.

1 comment:

1da PC said...

Hell yeah!!! hardcore is the only way to be, baby!!! No reason to let a little cold deter you from your passion.

You shoulda seen all the weird looks i got while biking thru all our wonderful Colorado snowstorms and subzero winter ESPECIALLY when i was luggin a trailer full of groceries.

One guy actually pulled over his saab (after dropping his yuppy baby gap kid at daycare) and asked me if my trailer made me slower (no, goat ass, this fucking pounding snow and ice/sand crusted road and your saab being way too close to me makes me slower)- yes, during single digit weather and pounding snow, he wanted to shoot the shit.

I musta made a face like, "yo, do i look like i wanna spend 15 mintues gabbing it up with ya?" b/c he said quite sheepishly, "sorry, i know it's really cold, but i just really really have been meaning to say that i admire you. i see you out every single morning rain or shine". (yep, it's called commuting ).

He is my new best friend and waves frantically -like a goat- every single morning. Because...


The boys wanna be her (The boys)
The girls wanna be her (The girls)
The boys wanna be her (The boys)
The girls wanna be her (The girls)
The boys wanna be her (The boys)
The girls wanna be her (The girls)
The boys wanna be her (The boys)

I wanna be her. Yes I do

Good thing we are HER. ;)