18 March 2012


airport madness—hordes of humans rushing and stumbling around luggage-crammed corridors, announcements blaring arrivals, departures, delays—i sit. i eat a muffin in the midst of chaos, crumbs falling in my lap, on the floor. people passing step on my muffin crumbs, carrying bits of my muffin in the grooves of their shoes across the country. perhaps my muffin bits are becoming transcontinental muffin bits. ringing cell phones destroy one’s perception of isolation in foreign areas. people grasp at reality, wondering, what time zone is this? amplified voices rock people out of oblivion and i rise too, rise for my flight, papers falling out of my purse. tickets collected, i.d.s checked, i am selected, randomly, to be searched. (they search everyone’s secrets.) carry-ons spill bras, lipsticks, toothbrushes, batteries, papers, the essentials of humans. shoes removed, pockets emptied, metal detectors bleeping, this complicates the simplified. if a plane were to simply burn up, crash, explode, dismantle itself—in air or sea or land—with deaths, what can we really care about any of this? simplicity eliminates these actions from mattering.

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