01 September 2005

The Beach by Alex Garland

I read the most amazing book two nights ago. A fellow backpacker put it down for a few minutes, and let me read it the rest of the night. I finished it in a few hours (because I read like mad), and it's amazing. So go out and buy it new. It's called The Beach by Alex Garland. Run to your nearest library, bookshop, or here's the Amazon link for you lazy ones. It's an amazing travel novel. This English guy is in Thailand, when a crazy person in his hotel gives him a map to a beach he knows nothing about. After seeing the man kill himself, Richard and a French couple set out to find this beach, which involves a 2 kilometer swim in the open ocean. There they find a commune, which is paradise, but which turns ugly. It is a page turner, and amazing book. Please do yourself a favor and read it right now. It's brilliant.


Jeet said...


Haven't u seen the movie? Stars Leonardo Di caprio and stuff...

really like the soundtrack, movie wasn't much... Dario G and All saints had really good numbers...

Been following your blog on and off, looking forward to someday being able to travel like you have... but first there's still sooo much to see in my own country, so dunno...

Anyways cheerio

Anonymous said...

Funny-that book made me want to go to Thailand - where I am headed in 11 days!!

Anonymous said...

you call yourself a librarian and haven't read that many-years-old book?????????

ps DON'T watch that crap movie!