29 August 2006

reader, has this ever happened to you?

crossing cobblestone streets, i suddenly was overcome with sadness, and had to bite my lip (hard, oh, so fucking hard) to prevent tears from escaping my eyes and tumbling down my cheeks.


Anonymous said...

That used to happen to me alot when I was driving around Baltimore. I would just be stopped at a light and i'd start crying.

Anonymous said...

This definately has happened to me before, curiously enough more in the 11 years I wasn't in Buffalo, never before and not since. Now the opposite happens; I'm struck with absolute happiness when walking down random streets....that I'm back in my hometown, with it's beautiful architecture and colorful people. Although I'm sure once I'm used to being back the sadness might descend again, as so many things you can see when walking down the street can make you sad....