03 July 2005

things that make me smile and laugh after they happened

yesterday, on our way to the sofia reina museum where guernica is:

jessica (a backpacker from florida): i´m really thirsty.
me: there´s a stand right here. you want to get a bottle of water here?
jessica: no i think i´ll just wait till we get to the museum and i´ll drink from the toilet.
(she meant bathroom and when i went to pee at the museum, i offered my stall to her before i went so she could sip. she went to the sink.)

trevor, me, new york city, last october
we´re wandering around soho and accidentally enter the prada store

trev looks at a tshirt. gasps. i can´t even afford the underwear.

we leave and trev turns to some people entering and goes, ´man, that store is bullshit, don´t bother.

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