28 January 2012

Lima, Part III

And so I returned to Lima.

After my luggage was embarrassingly searched (oh, how foul it smelled after four days in the jungle!), I flew a peaceful flight to Lima.

After a chatty cab ride, I arrived at the Barannco Backpackers Inn. After I dumped the stuff in my room, and gave my dirty clothes to the hostel to wash, I headed out for a long run. I ran along the water, enjoying the parks, the pretty views, the other runners. I headed home for a shower and to try to grab something small to eat, as Wayne was arriving that night and I had a feeling he’d be hungry.

As my body was used to jungle time (bedtime after dinner, rise at 5am), I could no longer stay awake until Wayne’s flight arrived. I crawled into bed and passed out for a few hours, waking around 12:30. Shortly after, I heard the door opening and a very familiar very American voice. He arrived, looking like anyone does after a long flight, telling me of his lost luggage. It was incredible to be back with him, and see him. Since we had gotten together last February, this was the longest we had ever been apart. It felt so right, so perfect.

Because Wayne was hungry (of course) and I was starving as I hadn’t eaten after my long run, we wandered out. A vegetarian restaurant (!) I had passed earlier, only noting that it was in a train car (Perfect for mi novio) and that it was open until 2am. We headed inside, ordered a salad, sandwich and a pizza, and of course, two pisco sours. The drink of choice.

After, we headed back and went to sleep for a few hours. We awoke early, and ate the typical breakfast in Peru of bread and marmalade and butter for breakfast. Then we headed out, walking down along the beach, walking around the beautiful streets. We were in love with Barannco and decided to change our plane tickets on the way back to spend more time in Lima before we flew back to the States.

We ate lunch – Wayne’s first Peruvian meal. Of course, I got the eggs/rice/platanos/salad option, which I’ve had plenty of times before. We also got pisco sours and tried the delicious yet scarily neon yellow Inca Cola, which we both discovered we secretly love. And then more walking on the streets and on the beach. And then a flight to Arequipa!

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