26 December 2010

a few more random pics of bocas del toro

i can't believe i'm leaving. i don't want to. i love this city so much...beach, rad peeps, beach, cool vibes, beach, good weather, beach, relaxation, beach...tomorrow i head up north, to costa rica.



Lilibel Ira said...

How was the weather during December? I am going there December 2015 and I'm wondering if there will be sunny days at all or just rain?

Lilibel Ira said...

Hows the weather in December is it sunny or mostly rainy?

Lilibel Ira said...

How is the december weather? Is it really rainy or mostly sunny? We are headed to a jungle lodge (La Loma) December 2015!

cherie said...

It was very sunny. I can't remember if it even rained once and I was there for a week.