05 February 2006


so at work some of the fashion forecasting services books are on my desk, and before putting them back behind the reference desk, i started randomly flipping through them to see how unstylish i will be in the spring. however, what caught my eye was the models.

the models, of course, are sickeningly thin, and some of them are seriously gross in their thinness. their thin faces are often not even pretty, but merely used as an easel for the designers to relay their products.

but their faces: their faces are so blank. they never can smile, always staring straight ahead into space. their eyes are indifferent, yet filled with intensity, and perhaps even anger. their eyes are giving almost a dirty look, a glare, a "you waste my time move" look, a "you aren't even worth my time" look. and it's sad because i think fashion is very beautiful but the model culture doesn't make it that way.

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