26 January 2005

3people who have changed my life, who probably wont be reading this

you know there are people who are no longer in your life, haven't been around for a few years, or maybe never were even truly present in your life, but now that you think about it, you wouldn't be you without them? there's probably a lot of people, but i wanted to write abt these three.

i discovered generation x in high school, and read and reread all of his titles. i own copies of every title of his, several titles in multiple copies. i buy his books in hardcover, the day they come out.

i saw him read last night. his reading prescence--nothing like anne waldman's, but he was funny, personable, interesting. he read from his new book that he is currently working on, titled j-pod (a sequel to microserfs!!!). he spoke about being loney, he had the startings of a beard, and i love him, even if he never responded to my request for an interview in my zine in high school.

if you don't know about him, check him out at http://www.coupland.com/

Shelia was creator of the popular zine, Plume. i received it in the mail, and discovered the world of bikini kill, saint etienne, bratmobile, riot grrrl, heavenly, and so many wonderful bands that i still enjoy today. whenever getting zines from shelia, i wrote her letters about the high school pain--and she wrote me kind ones back. her zine helped me find my place in the world--and discovered so many amazing kinds of music.

if you don't know about her, check out shelia's new project at http://www.chachacharming.com/

Jenny and I were friends for years. Exchanging boyfriends and lipstick and underwear, in college we ran together, dyed our hair together, found adventures in clubs and streets and dorm room showers and cabs. It always seems like we were so real together. She taught me I was beautiful, helped me foster my self-esteem that was damaged when I was younger, opened me up to new worlds, constantly running into adventure and fear. She tried to steal my cat, so we aren't friends, and besides, I don't know how to get in contact with her.

I miss her.

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